An informational and awe-inspiring blog about the wonderfully creative, amazingly talented students at Harmony Elementary!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

1st graders - Snowman collage

1st grade students are working on their cutting skills. They watched the movie, The Snowman, and are now creating their own snowman scenes. Students traced and cut and colored their compositions. Cutting is a fine motor skill that at this age can never be practiced enough. Background, foreground, and middle ground was also reviewed during this lesson. Take a look at these phenomenal creations in progress!!

4th & 5th graders get "close" with Chuck Close!

4th grade and 5th grade students studied the art of American artist Chuck Close. They got close to Close by using their photographic image and expanding that image into a self-portrait.
4th graders used an ink pad and their fingerprint to create value and shading to their image.
5th graders expanded their already learned drawing skills and used pencil to create value and shading to their image.
Both groups of students began their study by completing a value scale and developing their shading techniques by using a variety of shading methods that included hatching, cross-hatching, blending, and stippling. See their wonderful creations - I am so proud, but not surprised by these AMAZING artists!!

3rd grade - Clay Coil Animals

Third grade students, having worked with clay before, created coil animals. Students discussed the wood carvings from the Oaxaca region in Mexico and created clay coil animals using these Mexican artists as their inspiration. Students painted their animals using acrylic paints and used bright colors and patterns just as their inspirational Oaxacan sculptors.

2nd grade - Clay Taco Fish

Second graders created a taco fish out of clay. They learned how to "score" the clay when attaching two pieces of clay together and they also learned how to manipulate the material. After a bisque fire in the kiln, students used bright colored tempera cake paints to paint their fish. Check out their amazingly, colorful fish!